Salih Muhammad on 2015 Afrikan Black Coalition Conference

Afrikan Black Coalition Chair Salih Muhammad was quoted in UC Irvine's campus newspaper, New University, during the 2015 ABC Conference.

“Especially given the fact Black students across the UC system have horrific retention rates and the fact that University of California system does exceedingly little to ensure that recruitment, admission and enrollment of Black students increases, given the fact that at UC Berkeley Black students–nearly one out of every two–feel like their identity isn’t respected on campus, given the fact that campuses like UC Irvine have blackface incidents, this conference is a phenomenal opportunity to be in a space where people can relate to them,” said Salih Muhammad, the executive chair of the coalition.

“For most of the people inside this conference they’ve never been to a classroom or an auditorium on any UC campus where there were more people in the room that look like them,” said Muhammad, who also noted that this is the largest conference of Black students in California.

“Since there’s not too many of us on any individual campus, we recognize the power of our numbers on the campuses across the system,” said Muhammad.

Source: New University, January 21, 2015 by Phuc Pham.