Political Prisoner Jalil Munatqim (former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army Member) has been in the SHU since Tuesday for teaching Black History on Monday nights which was approved by the administration. He has taught Black History for almost 2 months now starting from 1861-2 with the confiscation act and was currently on 1960’s period anti-Vietnam and the Black Panther Party and other groups during that time period. More information will come forward when Jalil goes to a hearing but for now it can be suspected the authorities didn’t like what he was saying, so Jalil was placed in the SHU with 5 charges. This has been a part of an ongoing program to censor Jalil that has ramped up this year when he beat false charges for writing a letter to an outside organization and being denied newspapers from the outside, stepping up the repression by now removing him from the general population. Jalil would like the word to get out with what is going on and please focus on the Twitter Storm this Wednesday December 14th to Governor Cuomo- directions Below!
In addition to appealing this latest parole denial, Jalil has also submitted a request to Governor Cuomo for commutation of sentence to time served.
We are organzing a Twitter storm to raise awareness about human rights violations happening to political prisoners.
Tweet the following message to Governor Cuomo:
"I add my voice to demand: Commutation of sentence for Anthony Jalil Bottom #77A4283 NOW! @NYGovCuomo #clemency4jalil"
Ask your friends, family, co-workers, church members, classmates or union members, to support this campaign! United our voices can make freedom happen!
If you don’t tweet, call the governor at: 1-518-474-8390
or write the governor at: The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224
Since Jalil is apparently on some kind of mailwatch, he needs to receive as many letters and cards as possible.
Anthony Jalil Bottom #77A4283 Attica Correctional Facility P.O. Box 149 Attica, New York 14011-0149 Our mailing address is:New York City Jericho Movement P.O. Box 670927 Bronx, NY 10467 www.jerichony.org