Resources: COVID-19
“The intention of the Afrikan Black Coalition is not to cause moral panic, but to prompt Afrikan/Black people to take the critical steps for our well-being. Therefore, in a Pan-Afrikan Nationalist spirit, we are encouraging all Afrikan/Black people to get organized.”
We urge everyone to plan accordingly and gather essential items (bottled water, canned/non-perishable food, etc.) to last at least three months. Along with this preparation, PLEASE keep in mind those of our people who may not be able to gather items for themselves, i.e. the elderly, disabled, and the sick. When you go out to purchase and gather items, be sure to also do so for those in need in your community.
Below you will find various informational sources to ensure that you are well-informed and can take the necessary precautions for the safety of yourself and others to the best of your ability.
Social Distancing: Practice social distancing and avoid crowds as much as possible
Cover: Be sure to cover coughs and sneezes not with your hands, but into your elbows
Stay Home: If you feel sick, stay home if possible
Wash Hands: Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Do not forget the back of your hands, between your fingers, and thumbs.
Disinfect/Wipe Down: Disinfect and wipe down high-touch surfaces such as phones, door knobs, handles, handrails, etc.
Purchase: Purchase additional groceries, household supplies, and medical resources
Doctor: If you are not feeling well and developing any symptoms, please visit a doctor if possible
Supplies: In addition to visiting the standard Costco, Rite Aid, and other supply-chains, please remember that there are also Afrikan/Black-owned establishments online or with physical store-fronts that may also have the items that you are in need of.
For the latest information on this coronavirus outbreak please visit the following links: COVID-19 Situation Summary, How to Protect Yourself and Prepare, Advice for the Public, Steps to Prevent Illness, How to Practice Social Distancing, People at Risk for Serious Illness from COVID-19, and Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid.
Resource Documents
General Resources for Community
General Resources for College Students
Regional Specific Resources
Los Angeles
Bay Area
Central California (Fresno, San Jose, Merced): (Under Construction)
North California (Sacramento, Sonoma): (Under Construction)
San Diego: (Under Construction)
Calling all Black college students in California! Please take 10 minutes to complete our needs assessment, the link is in our bio. The purpose of this assessment is to gather data for us to build a Black California in Crisis Report. This report will be utilized to leverage statewide political and economic power and resources for our people. If you have any questions about this project, please email
ABC COVID-19 Policy & Guidelines
The policy and guidelines listed are to be adhered to by all ABC staff, volunteers, contracted personnel, and event participants. Information regarding our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy will be updated as more details are made available. The Afrikan Black Coalition will follow the rules required by the county and/or campus in which ABC events occur. In the absence of County or Campus rules, ABC COVID-19 policies and guidelines will be implemented as follows:
The Afrikan Black Coalition does not require vaccinations.
Regardless of vaccination status, all people are required to participate in the COVID-19 testing 72 hours prior to an ABC event, and screening at the event.
ONLY PCR Nasal Swab tests are accepted.
Please search your local area for PCR Nasal Swab test or PCR Nasal Swab Rapid Response test.
PCR Nasal Swab tests are approved for travel.
Negative test results must always be kept on your person.
Participants must show proof of negative results, before participating in any ABC event.
Consistent with guidelines from the CDC and State Public Health, all ABC event attendees are required to wear face masks when not actively consuming food or beverages, regardless of vaccination status. This applies to indoor meetings/events as well as outdoor events.
When possible, event attendees need to maintain physical distancing while eating or drinking for their safety and the safety of those around them.
Overnight stays. There should be no more than (4) people assigned to a room. However, ABC recommends (2-3) people to a room.
Participants must notify staff members immediately if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms.
ABC will adhere to the local health department contact tracing guidelines.