UCSD: Self-Care Tips in 2020

UCSD: Self-Care Tips in 2020

Online learning, social justice issues, and a developing virus have all contributed to social,

psychological and physical stressors in 2020. For me, I found it difficult to set time aside for

self-care. I believe it is vital to take care of your mind, body and soul in times where you feel like

you are overwhelmed or exhausted. Listed below are three key ways to integrate self-care into

your schedule.

1. Exercise

Exercise is the “go-to” to feel good physically, but studies show that is great for your

mental health, reducing stress and anxiety! It may be hard to go to the gym everyday with

a busy schedule, but there are many other ways to keep yourself active at home and in

your neighborhood. Some examples include going for a walk, yoga, or dancing. If you

want to workout without leaving the comfort of your home, you can follow hundreds of

workout videos on Youtube that fit to your strength/liking. However you decide to move,

it is a great habit to incorporate into your self-care routine.

2. Organization

Organization is vital because it allows you to have a plan in your schedule to make life go

a little smoother. Ways that you can stay organized include writing in a planner, cleaning

up your workspace and living area, adding to your Google Calendar, and making to-do

lists. Overall, planning out your day or week can reduce stress because you have a

timeline of what you need to do and when it needs to be accomplished. Organization

allows you to take a glance at what you need to do in a day in order to achieve your


3. Sleep & Rest

The amount of rest you get each night can have a huge impact on your health and the day

you have ahead. With the organization methods listed above, you can also plan out your

nightly routine and when you want to get your rest. Some ways you can wind down your

night are to practice your skin-care routine, utilize some forms of meditation/prayer, or

taking a shower. On top of that, make sure you are cautious on what you are eating and

drinking as you wind down your day. It is important to stay away from caffeine and sugar

that will keep you up once you finish your night routine.

Remember to reserve times out of your week to better your self-care. No matter how long your

self-care routine is, your mind and body will greatly appreciate it. The more you incorporate time

away from your busy schedule, the more you will feel less stressed and grow through your


Kennedy Cofield, Ourstorian

University of California, San Diego